Foster Home Licensing Hearing
Participating in a foster home licensing hearing after being accused of committing child abuse or neglect is a stressful affair. You’re living a nightmare right now.
CPS/CWS made a false allegation against you, substantiated the allegation, and now the California Department of Social Services is telling you that you can’t be a foster parent or live in a home where foster kids live anymore.
A foster home licensing hearing is necessary if your license is being revoked or you are being excluded or denied participation in the foster home program.
What Happens if You Lose Your Foster Home Licensing HearingIf you lose your foster home licensing hearing, you will never be able to be a foster parent again, nor will anyone in your household. This is true even if you move out of California.
You may be thinking, “Great! I don’t want to ever be a foster parent again after this last experience! I can’t afford to be falsely accused of child abuse or neglect!”
On the other hand, you never know what your future will hold. Tragedy happens in life (as you well know). Perhaps someday your grandchild, niece, nephew or other loved one will be left without someone to care for them, and they will need you to step in and be their parent.
If you lose your foster home licensing hearing, you will not be able to come to the rescue of a child you love, a child in your family, if the need ever arises.
Foster Home Licensing Hearings are InformalWhile your foster home licensing hearing will not take place and is informal, do not take that to mean that it will be easy for you to win without the help of an experienced, qualified lawyer.
You should take this allegation seriously. While the hearing is informal, there are still special laws that apply in foster home licensing hearings that many other lawyers won’t know about.
The hearing does not take place in courtroom. Some of the normal rules of evidence do not apply. There is no real judge deciding your case.
This does not mean you should take a casual approach to your hearing. Instead, it means you should take an extra careful approach.
Why Hire a Foster Home Licensing Hearing Lawyer
If the reason for your foster home licensing hearing is due to an allegation of child abuse or neglect, losing your hearing could have a far-ranging and long-lasting negative impact on your future, your career, your family, and your life.
You want to place your case in the hands of someone who knows how to defend false allegations of child abuse and neglect.
An experienced foster home licensing hearing will give you the best chance at securing your future by helping you win your case.
Attorney Lounsbery is a recognized expert in California child abuse laws. He is regularly invited to speak at conferences on child abuse laws. His practice is devoted to child abuse defense in every setting.
Call or email for a frank discussion of how I can help you, and the steps you need to take to restore your good name and reputation.