Hi. CACI lawyer Tate Lounsbery here, and I wanted to offer you another CACI quick tip.
This is about a chronology. I strongly encourage you to write down a chronology of events that are relevant to your Child Abuse Central Index grievance hearing. You might go back…I don’t know how far back you’re going to go, but it might go back years, or it might go back only a few months, just depending on what’s needed in your case.
You want to write a list of, for example, prior incidents, or prior allegations that are relevant to your situation.
You’re also going to want to include a chronology of the investigation that the CPS social worker was undertaking. When were the interviews? How long did they take? Who did the social worker speak with? If there is an allegation of an injury, when did the injury supposedly happen? When did the injury—when did it show up? When was it reported for the first time? When was it photographed, if ever? When did the investigation from the social worker start?
Chronology of events can be very helpful in helping you determine what your strategy is going to be in defending your case and the allegations against you.
That is your CACI quick tip, to use a chronology and to write it down. I hope you found it helpful.